Theatre Auditions
All audition dates have a pre-screen video Upload requirement.
If you are interested in pursuing a BFA in Musical Theatre or Theatre Performance, a pre-screen video upload is required. For Technical Theatre and Design a portfolio submission is required.
Preparing for your Prescreen
For the 2024/2025 Audition Cycle, MTCP has included a list of helpful hints. We strongly encourage that you take advantage of these resources which have been thoughtfully and intentionally crafted by the expertise of multiple programs nationwide to support the excellence of the audition and for your benefit.
Dates and Deadlines
Choose your preferred audition date below. Please make note of the pre-screen upload deadline. Applicants will be notified via email of the outcome of their prescreen by the notification date associated with each prescreen upload deadline.
On-Site Auditions
- Audition: Theatre & Dance Day (no prescreen required): October 21, 2024
- Dance Reel Audition Upload Deadline: October 16, 2024
- Audition: January 18, 2025
- Prescreen Upload Deadline: December 1, 2024
- Applicant Notification: December 11, 2024
- Audition: February 22, 2025
- Prescreen Upload Deadline: January 24, 2025
- Applicant Notification: January 31, 2025
Virtual Audition
- Audition: March 15, 2025
- Prescreen Upload Deadline: February 21, 2025
- Applicant Notification: February 28, 2025
ܽƵ will also be auditioning at:
- ܽƵ Theatre Conference
- ܽƵ Combined Auditions
Audition Criteria
Students must have applied to ܽƵ but need not have received their academic admission decision in order to register for a pre-screen audition, portfolio review, or audition.
All students selected to audition for the BFA Musical Theatre and Theatre Performance majors will be evaluated for acceptance into the programs, as well as for scholarship consideration. Students submitting a portfolio for the BFA Technical Theatre program will be evaluated for acceptance into the program, as well as for scholarship consideration.
Preparing for Your Audition
For the 2024 / 2025 Audition Cycle, MTCP has included a list of helpful hints. We strongly encourage that you take advantage of these resources which have been thoughtfully and intentionally crafted by the expertise of multiple programs nationwide to support the excellence of the audition and for your benefit. View the MTCP Resources Page.
BFA Musical Theatre
Each piece should be filmed/uploaded as a separate piece of media. No continuous videos. Students are encouraged to use standard technology/recording devices that are available to them (i.e. smartphones, tablets, etc.).
Introduction ("Slate")
There should not be a separate introduction or “slate” video. Instead, “slates” are to appear at the beginning of each piece and included as part of the time allotment. (Read through the resources page for examples of each of the three slates described below).
- The proper slate for a song is to share your name, the song title, and show in which it appears.
- The proper slate for a monologue is to share your name, the title of the play, and the playwright.
- The proper slate for a piece of dance is to share your name, the title of the song you are dancing to, and the name of the choreographer. If the piece is “self-choreographed” you should share your own name as choreographer.
Students should prepare two contrasting pieces.
- One song should be a ballad (where the piece has longer, sustained vocal lines) and one song should be an uptempo (where the vocal line moves at a conversational pace) so as to contrast style
- Each song file should be 60-90 seconds (This time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds)
- Students must sing to musical accompaniment, which could include live or pre-recorded accompaniment. No “a cappella” singing (meaning singing without music).
- Each song file should be 60-90 seconds (This time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds)
- Students must sing to musical accompaniment, which could include live or pre-recorded accompaniment. No “a cappella” singing (meaning singing without music).
- Songs should be filmed in a ¾ shot which means the top of the head to the knees should be visible in the frame.
MTCP Song Option A:
- One song should be written before 1970. This song can be either the “uptempo” or the “ballad” (student’s choice).
- One song should be written after 1970 and contrast the style of the first.
Students should prepare one video.
- All dance media should be filmed in a “full body” shot taking care to keep the student’s entire body in the frame at all times. (This time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 60 seconds)
- Regardless of which style of dance you execute, the choreography and the movement should be story-driven and connected to the music where the applicant is dancing with a sense of purpose.
- 30-60 seconds of dance in whatever dance discipline you feel most confident. This may include, but is not limited to jazz, ballet, tap, modern, cultural dance styles, hip hop, lyrical, or contemporary.
- Please do not submit “barre work”.
- Please use steps, movement, and physical vocabulary that you are familiar with and can execute well.
- Dance media can be self-choreographed, but must be a solo video of you. This can include a show, competition, or other performance so long as you are clearly featured on your own.
- Dance media can be self-choreographed, but must be a solo video of you. This can include a show, competition, or other performance so long as you are clearly featured on your own.
- All choreography must be performed to music; please no “a cappella” dance media.
MTCP Dance Option B
- Show us your best version of dancing or moving.
Optional Submissions
Students may choose to supplement their audition with the following optional video.
Wild Card
- Submissions should be no more than 60 seconds.
- Applicants do not need to slate in any wild card media.
- This media can be anything you want - a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, etc. “What do you want us to know about you?” and “What makes you unique?” (See the resources page for ideas on Wild Card submissions).
BFA Theatre Performance
Each piece should be filmed/uploaded as a separate piece of media. No continuous videos. Students are encouraged to use standard technology/recording devices that are available to them (i.e. smartphones, tablets, etc).
Introduction (“SLATE”)
There should not be a separate introduction or “slate” video. Instead, “slates” are to appear at the beginning of each piece and included as part of the time allotment.
- The proper slate for a monologue is to share your name, the name of the character, the playwright, and the title of the play or monologue.
Students should prepare two contrasting pieces:
- 1 Dramatic; Dramatic monologues can be classical or contemporary. (student’s choice)
- 1 Comedic; Comedic monologues can be classical or contemporary. (student’s choice)
- At least one monologue must be contemporary (written after 1900). Please do not submit two classical monologues.
- Monologues must be from a published play or monologue collection. Monologues cannot be from musicals, television shows, or movies.
- Monologues should be filmed either “full body” shot which means the top of the head to the feet on the floor should be visible in the frame, or “close-up” shot which means the top of the head to the chest should be visible in the frame.
- Each monologue file should be 60-90 seconds in length (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds)
Wild Card (not required)
- Submissions should be no more than 60 seconds.
- Applicants do not need to slate in any wild card media.
- This media can be anything you want – a special skill, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument you play, etc. “What do you want us to know about you?” and “What makes you unique?”
BFA Technical Theatre
In person and virtual interviews will take place on the audition days listed above. All deadlines apply. The following documents are required.
- Artistic Resume
- Digital Portfolio – the portfolio should show the process and results of your artistic work or applicable experiences.
- Two letters of recommendation from people you have worked with as an artist (i.e. Director, Designer, Teacher, or Supervisor)
After you have submitted your portfolio and artistic resume, and we have received your letters of recommendation, you will be notified via email about your interview date and time.