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Title IX - Just Ask

Get Safe First and Then Just Ask!

Student resources for reports of sexual discrimination or harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

Report IncidentJust Ask Guide

ܽƵ Just Ask

We at ܽƵ share a common belief that every individual should be able to work and study in an environment free from discrimination, harassment or intimidation based on race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, mental or physical disability, marital status, medical condition, veteran status, sexual orientation, citizenship or any other characteristic protected under federal or state law or local ordinance.

Discrimination is illegal and in direct conflict with the mission of the College. It exposes the College and the individuals involved to liability under the law. Accordingly, the College prohibits any physical, written, or spoken conduct that violates the prohibitions on harassment set forth above.

This policy refers to all forms of sex discrimination committed by employees, students, or third parties that interfere with FSC academics, athletics, or education, including but not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence as well as domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

Call 911 in an emergency

Administrative Assistance

On-Campus Resources

  • Safety

    Assistance, non-emergency reports

  • Counseling Center *

    Thrift Building

  • Chaplain - Tim Wright *

    Fannin Campus Ministries Bldg.

  • Student Health Center

    First floor of Thrift Alumni

Confidential Resources

  • Peace River Crisis Center

    Provides 24-hour, 7 day/week confidential counseling and forensic examinations.

  • 1.800.962.2873
    To report minors who have experienced unwanted sexual contact in the state of ܽƵ. A minor is anyone under 18.

  • Your Personal Physician

    Confidential in the state of ܽƵ.

  • Additional Resources

    In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, (which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, the Jeanne Clery Act, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974), ܽƵ provides a link to the .

    All sex offenders are required to register in the State of ܽƵ and to provide notice of each institution of higher education in ܽƵ at which the person is employed, carries a vocation or is a student.

    The ܽƵ Department of Law Enforcement can be reached directly at 1.888.357.7332.

Follow-Up Assistance

  • Lakeland Police Department Victim Assistance

    219 N. Massachusetts Ave., Lakeland FL
    863.834.6900 (main number)

    Can provide “next steps” if you wish to file civil or criminal charges in response to a reported act of violence.

  • Bartow Branch (Polk Co. Courthouse)

    255 N. Broadway St., Bartow, FL
    863.534.4180 (confidential)

    To file civil Domestic Violence reports and obtain “Injunctions for Protection Against Domestic Violence” (no fee).

  • Clerk of the 10th Judicial Circuit Court of Polk Co. FL

    255 N. Broadway St., Bartow, FL

    To file injunctions (“Orders of Protection” or “Restraining Orders”) in response to reported Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Violence (no fee).

Safe Ride Home (Checker Cab)

If you are using this service to get to a safer place or to get someplace more safely, you need your FSC student ID so the cab company can bill the College and it is free for you.

Title IX Training Materials

In compliance with 34 CFR §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) issued by the United States Department of Education under Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, ܽƵ has made publicly available the training materials used to train ܽƵ Title IX personnel.


ܽƵ’s Title IX Coordinator(s) and Title IX Investigators completed a live, comprehensive two-day Title IX training program hosted by Title IX Solutions, LLC on FSC's campus on October 4 - 5, 2023. To view our Title IX personnel’s Certificates of Completion of the comprehensive Title IX training program, contact Director of Human Resources at kpawlak@flsouthern.edu.

These materials are the exclusive property of Title IX Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved, ©2023. The publishing of these materials on this website is authorized by Title IX Solutions, LLC solely for use by this institution in compliance with Regulation 34 CFR §106.45(b)(10)(i)(D). No other use or dissemination by this institution or any third party is authorized without the prior written consent of Title IX Solutions, LLC.

The information and materials provided during this program were for educational purposes only and not intended to be legal advice. Attendees should seek independent legal advice concerning the issues presented.

FSC Title IX Training Certifications


Students who believe they have either witnessed or been subjected to unlawful sex discrimination may notify:

Rick Gebauer Rick Gebauer

Director of Student Conduct

Carlisle Rogers Building



Employees or third parties who believe they have either witnessed or been subjected to unlawful sex discrimination may notify FSC’s Title IX Coordinator

Katherine Pawlak Katherine Pawlak, MBA/HRM, PHR

Assistant Vice President of Operations

Director of Human Resources

Title IX Officer
