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Work Requests

Maintenance and Information Technology Requests

If you have never completed a work order, you will need to register through the link below. After registration, please remember to verify the proper tab at the top: Maint Request or IT Request.

If you have previously submitted a work order, please click on the link below and then choose “Forgot Password?”. Enter your email address and receive a link to create an updated password. Once you are logged in, remember to verify the proper tab at the top: Maint Request or IT Request. If you are a previous user, you may need to clear the internet history or use a different web browser for success.

Complete contact information, including your FSC ID# is needed for FSC to provide the best assistance.

Maintenance Requests

Log on to submit your work order request

The account number is: 336265139

The submittal password at the bottom of the form is: gomocs

MAINTENANCE EMERGENCIES: If the work order is for a maintenance emergency during normal business hours (8 AM – 5 PM) Monday thru Friday, call 863.680.4192. During all other hours, weekends or holidays, please contact the FSC Safety Office at 863.680.4305. The Safety Office is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

IMPORTANT: If you are moving, making additions, or changing your office, please fill out this form in addition to submitting your request through Maintenance Direct.

IT Requests

Log on to submit your work order request

The account number is: 336265139

The submittal password at the bottom of the form is: gomocs

NETWORK OUTAGE: If the work order is for a network outage Monday through Thursday between 8 AM and 10 PM, or on Friday between 8 AM and 7 PM, please call 863.616.6426. During all other hours, weekends or holidays, please contact the FSC Safety Office at 863.680.4305. The Safety Office is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.